About us


Saelens Trading was founded in 1993. Since that time, we established a trustworthy name in the timbersector. We are purchasing the best timbers available in Brazil, Guyana and Surinam for our Northern European customers. Timbers are coming from legally harvested forests only, controlled by SEMA and IBAMA in Brazil, by SBB in Surinam, and by Guyana Forestry Commission in Guyana. Sustainability by selective harvesting is the key to success to preserve the tropical rainforest for coming generations.

In 2000, we were the first to certify FSC®, an 800 Ha native tropical forest in the state Mato Grosso.  Nowadays 80 % of our forest products are FSC® controlled wood and FSC® 100 %.  It is our goal to trade only FSC 100® % hardwood in the near future.

We supply rough sawn timber, plained deckings, underdeckings and other hardwood outdoor products.  With exception of IPE, ITAUBA an MASSARANDUBA, nearly all other species are shipped Kiln Dried.

Michel, with his office in Sinop/Mato Grosso, is in charge of quality control, in-time shipment and all necessary legal EUTR documentation.  Our main office, the sales department, run by Henri Saelens is situated in Kruishoutem, Belgium.

Ports of destination are Antwerp, Le Havre, Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Livorno, Aarhus, Tilbury and Rouen.  Most of the goods are shipped per 40' CTR's with reliable shippers as CMA-CGM, MSC, GRIMALDI LINES and others.


We also promote Wallaba, a high quality timber specie that is used for fences, underdeck and shingles. If you want to see more, visit www.wallaba.be